How to release a new minikube ISO

Major releases always get a new ISO. Minor bugfixes may or may not require it: check for changes in the deploy/iso folder. To check, run git log -- deploy/iso from the root directory and see if there has been a commit since the most recent release.

Note: you can build the ISO using the hack/jenkins/ script locally.

  • Navigate to the minikube ISO jenkins job
  • Ensure that you are logged in (top right)
  • Click “▶️ Build with Parameters” (left)
  • For ISO_VERSION, type in the intended release version (same as the minikube binary’s version)
  • For ISO_BUCKET, type in minikube/iso
  • Click Build

The build will automatically create a PR with the changes.

Last modified February 23, 2022: update release docs (68beb6a79)